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Get to Know Kyla

Registered Holistic Nutritionist Kyla Johanson

Hey there!

I’m Kyla Johanson, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who has a passion for holistic living and finding simplicity among the complexity of our everyday life. I’m also a mom and a wife; my family and I live on an acreage in rural southern Saskatchewan. My husband and I are farm kids at heart, and we just moved our family out to the acreage in the summer of 2021. We have lots of dreams that we’re working on making a reality out here, and our hope is that our kids will love the simplicity of farm living as much as we do!

My goal in my business is to help women and others find their own rhythm through simple changes in their diet and lifestyle. Our daily lives have become bombarded with technology, toxins, and a booked-up schedule that doesn’t leave us with any time to prioritize our own health. My wish is for my clients to be able to make simple, long-lasting, lifestyle and diet changes and learn to set healthy boundaries to protect their health and to make themselves a priority.

Educate to empower and nourish to grow.

You might be wondering where this passion started...

I know what it’s like to burn myself out, to feel like you have to do everything and be everything for everyone but yourself. I hit rock bottom with my health, even being hospitalized and left with nothing else to give. I’ve realized that setting boundaries, changing the way I eat and live my life, and knowing how to fill my cup before filling everyone else’s makes a world of difference. Three years ago I was a mother to three young children, a wife, and working full time at a corporate job. My husband was also working full time, and at the same time we were trying to juggle kid’s activities, work, marriage, and parenting. I finished most days feeling completely exhausted by trying to live up to the “Martha Stewart” image of a perfect mom, wife, and housekeeper. My instincts told me that things had to change, but I didn’t know where to start. How do you make major changes in your life without having to uproot your whole family? My body finally made the decision for me when my health hit an all-time low and I was diagnosed with anxiety coupled with major adrenal fatigue. My mind, body, and soul were screaming at me to change.


Helping you find your rhythm.

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This was my turning point

I knew I couldn’t be the mother or the wife my family deserved or the woman I desired to be if I continued this way. I started researching holistic ways of life which led me to enroll in the diploma program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Once I completed my schooling, I felt the urge to  share this life-changing knowledge with everyone who would listen, which has led me to starting My Nourished Life.


Thank you for joining me on this journey of mine and I hope to be a guiding light for you, to help educate and empower with a few giggles along the way.

Are you interested in working together?

Credentials, Experience & Expertise

I graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science degree. I then got married and started my beautiful family. After my third child was born, my life took a turn and I felt compelled to learn more about holistic living to better the health of myself and my family. I enrolled in the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and completed my diploma in December 2020. I am a life-long learner, and I continue to invest in my education in various forms. I took a Deepen and Decode course for DUTCH practitioners in June 2021, and can now provide holistic guidance with the results you receive through diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations.


I look forward to continuing my education so I can best help my current clients and future ones!


Coffee or tea?

Tea all the way!!

Get to know me a little more...

Interested in working together?

Book your free discovery call to get started, or feel free to contact me with any questions you have!

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